History's End

History will end only when Man does

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  • Friday, October 15, 2004

    Template Changes

    I have used the current Template for a while now, and it really isn't pleasing me. It appears a bit too drab and dreary, and is harsh to the eyes. I will be playing around with various templates, and would appreciate comments on which you like. If my links should go dead, don't worry, I will get them back up and running soon enough.

    Update 1: Experiencing some trouble here. I have tried to change my template, but to no effect. It keeps reverting back to the current one, even though template preview shows my template to be different.

    Update 2: I am wondering if Haloscan or SiteMeter are causing the problems...

    Update 3: Finally got it working. Let me get comments working so you can voice your thoughts.

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