History's End

History will end only when Man does

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  • Monday, November 28, 2005

    Civilian Casaulties

    I found this online recently, and unfortunately forgot who I got the link from. It is a must read piece concerning civilian casaulties in Iraq.

    Logic Times-Civilian Casaulties.


    The more things change, the more they stay the same

    Apparently the Canadian Government has fallen. Unfortunately for Canada, I don't see any positive effects from this. I suspect that the Liberals will once again gain plurality in the Commons, and have to ally with one of the other parties in order to establish a government. Canadians, at least, those whom I know and talk with, seem to think that the Conservatives would be no better than the Liberals in running the country. Whether this is truly the case, or whether it is a result of biased media, I can't say. I do feel confident, however, in stating that I don't see Canada significantly changing its political order as a result of this.


    Monday, November 21, 2005


    Michael Yon has an inspiring photo essay up. Check it out now.

    Hat Tip: Instapundit


    Monday, November 14, 2005

    Just a Thought...

    I came to thinking recently on who is treated best in history. I have no idea how I came think of it, only that I did. And the answer I came to got me thinking of much more.

    How could history treat you well? What could be done to let generations to come know who you were, and that you were important? And who is treated best? The answer was simple to me: Alexander the Great. Think on it. Alexander the Great. Not just Alexander, not Alexander the pretty good, but Alexander the Great. Is that not the kind of historical legacy that anyone would seek? What higher title could possibly be bestowed upon you than being known as the Great. Perhaps the Magnificent, but that seems over the top somehow. So really, if there is anyone who is treated best by history, its Alexander the Great. Sure, they might question some of his choices and his lifestyle later, but he is always going to be Alexander the Great. Nothing can take away from him save the end of history.


    Wednesday, November 09, 2005

    Not Jihad... Not Yet

    Courtesy of Instapundit, here is an article by Jim Dunnigan covering the riots in France.

    The most relevant parts:
    In France, Islamic clerics issued a Fatwa (religious ruling) condemning the street violence of young Moslems over the last two weeks. Fortunately, or unfortunately, most of the thugs on the streets are not very religious. The violence is more ethnic and economic, than religious, with a major criminal element (the gangs, like the IRA, know they will thrive if the police can be driven from their neighborhoods).
    And then the finisher:
    But now, nearly two weeks of street violence have thoroughly embarrassed the government so much that curfews and more arrests have taken some of the joy out of these Autumn Antics. But it’s not jihad, and never has been.
    The whole article is worth reading. Those who think of the riots as the "French Intifida" are mistaken if they look upon this as Jihad. Its much more simple than that, mostly just thugs who want to be able to operate outside of the bounds of French society trying to "convince" the French to let them be. Its not Jihad. Not Yet. Al Qaeada is undoubtely keeping a close eye on such riots. They present the perfect opportunity for AQ to act with plenty of cover. The police are distracted at times such as these, so they might plan ahead for actions to be taken under the next series of riots. Also, the disenchanted "youths" who are these thugs present a potential new source of recruits for AQ. Not many will sign up for the full Jihadist routine. But then again, you never need that many to accomplish a great deal. Even a hundred could be enough.


    Monday, November 07, 2005

    Good On 'Ya Mates!

    Aussies make major terror arrests. Hopefully this will remind people that terrorists are still a threat, no matter what the Michael Moore's of the world say.


    Sunday, November 06, 2005

    Iraq Police Better Than French Police?

    Courtesy of PowerLine, we have this picture above of a burned out Iraqi, no wait, French police station. When was the last time the Iraqis had this happen to one of their police stations? Have they suddenly become more competent than the French? More capable of defending their stations? Against a more deadly foe, as well.


    Saturday, November 05, 2005

    You Shall Reap...

    ...what you have sown. The French are starting to finally pay for their arrogance, and part of me wishes that they pay dearly. I have been pre-occupied as of late, but am now working on a rather long piece involving the CIA and leaks inside the Beltway. Hopefully it will be done within the next few days.

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